Tuto: create an nft quickly and free of charge

In this 15-minute tutorial, you'll create a Wallet and then link it to OpenSea to create your first NFT. Finally, we'll learn how to price and sell your NFT.

Create your free NFT on OpenSea

Do you have an image you'd like to transform into an NFT and put online on OpenSea? That's a great initiative! However, in such a competitive market, the quality and relevance of your image are essential to attract the attention of collectors. In fact, a well-crafted visual can considerably increase your chances of success.

Why look after the appearance of your NFT?

Attractive design can make all the difference. It catches the eye, arouses interest and increases your chances of selling. What's more, it reflects your professionalism and commitment to quality. If you think your image could benefit from a professional touch to make it stand out, we're here to help.

1 - Download and install the Brave web browser

Install Brave on your Mac or PC, and use it exclusively for your NFT and cryptocurrencies.

Click on "Download Brave".
Follow the installation steps.
Double-click on the program and install it.
You've installed Brave correctly.

2 - Add MetaMask to Brave

MetaMask is a Wallet.

Search for Metamask plugin and click on the link to the Chrome web store
Click on "Add to Brave
Add the
A download will start, please wait.

3 - Configure MetaMask

Click on "Start".
Click on "Create a portfolio".
Click on "No thanks".
Create your password and save it, then copy the password and accept the "Terms of use". Finally click on "Create".
The video gives you some interesting pointers, but you don't need them for the rest.
Write down your secret phrase carefully.
Copy your secret phrase in the right order by clicking on the words.
Congratulations, the hard part is over. Click on "All finished".
This is your digital wallet. Click on the 3 small dots in the top right-hand corner.
Click on "Account details".
Click on the pencil and edit your name. This name is visible to everyone.

4 - Link your Wallet to OpenSea

Linking your wallet to Opensea enables you to create an account and generate your NFTs and NFT collections.

Visit www.opensea.io
Pin MetaMask on Brave: click on the puzzle (the extensions) and then on the pin next to MetaMask.
Click on the wallet in the top right-hand corner.
Click on MetaMask
MetaMask opens in a "Pop Up" window. Click on "Next" to accept the links between OpenSea and your Wallet. Always check the address on the MetaMask. Only accept sites you know well.
Click on "Connect".
Your Wallet is connected to OpenSea. Your Wallet is like your OpenSea login.

5 - Configure your Profile - optional

Prepare your profile. Click on "Profile".
Click on the pencil to add a profile photo. Select the photo you want.
Sign in MetaMask to give permission to change the profile photo.

6 - Create your first NFT

This is the step you've all been waiting for: the creation of the NFT. An NFT is a link between a photo (or video, audio file, 3D file...) and a blockchain, in this case the Ethereum blockchain.

Click on "Create".
Click on the little mountain logo to import your photo or illustration.
Name your NFT.
Fill in the link to your website if it refers to unique information in your NFT, otherwise leave it blank.
Add an inspiring description!
Add properties, click on "Properties". Optional.
You can add as many properties as you like. These are the characteristics that define your NFTs, and are only useful if you publish several of them. For example, for a character series you add "Type : Accessory - Name: Cap".
Select "Polygon", it's the "free" blockchain.
Click on "Create".
Congratulations, your NFT is created. You can share it to show your friends.

7 - Preparing your collection for sale

To sell your NFT, you need to personalize your collection. To receive your cryptos, you need to follow this step.

Click on "My Collections
Click on the 3 small dots and then on "Edit".
Fill in the images, if you need graphics, contact us for a free quote.
Fill in "Your payout wallet address" with your wallet number, which you copy from MetaMask (always pinned to the top right).
Choose the "Display theme" in "Covered" mode for a more beautiful collection. Then click on "Submit Changes".
Your collection is ready.

8 - Selling your NFT

Return to "My Collections".
Click on the NFT you've created and want to sell.
Click on "Sell".
Fill in the price in ETH (the Ethereum crypto) you have the price in dollars on the right-hand side below.
Click on "Date Range" then select "6 months", and your NFT will be available for sale for 6 months.
Click on "Complete listing".
You must validate the steps. Click on "Sign" in MetaMask.
Click on "Sign" in MetaMask.
Click on "Approve" in MetaMask, there are often errors between OpenSea, approve and follow the steps. You may need to repeat this step.
Typically the kind of mistake that doesn't prevent the NFT from going on sale.
Your NFT is for sale. You can start your business 3.0. Thank you Fresh Organic Motion!

9 - One more thing - More tips

Transfer your NFT (be careful, it's irreversible) free of charge to a friend. Ask for a friend's wallet number and send them your NFT. We exchange NFTs like Pokémon cards in the playground. So contact us and let's swap: See the exchange page here.
To put your NFT on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tinder, TikTok... click on "Share", then on "Copy Link".
Create a post on Facebook and paste the link copied above.

Contact our studio to create your NFT.

Now you know all about creating and selling NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Contact us to create your NFT.

We will contact you at this address.
100 - 1 000 - 5 000 - 10 000
Ethereum, Solana or other.
opensea.io, blur.io, rarible.com or other.

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