Animated company greetings

With the festive season just around the corner, it's time to say thank you to your customers, staff and suppliers with corporate greetings. Marking the occasion with a festive, benevolent message and great packaging is a sure-fire way to get the word out. And that's just as well, because we're experts not only in packaging, but also in content! Your animated corporate greetings will fit in perfectly with your newsletter and social networks.

What better way to start than by showing you our corporate greetings?

A cheerful motion design for your corporate greetings

Announcing your business wishes is important. Doing it the right way is just as important.
That's why we recommend cheerful animated videos. Short and well-paced, they aim to be bright, effective and captivating. 

We hope you're not shy, as you're likely to attract a lot of attention.
In fact, a greeting card animated in motion design will enable you to make your mark on the networks, to exist, to attract attention! Your customers will see that you're thinking of them.

We help you bring out the best in your company

To help you create your greetings, our studio offers to accompany you.
Together, we'll write a high-quality, human message that respects your values and your editorial line.

Then, your digital greeting card can be adorned with all kinds of beautiful things: text with cool typography, endearing characters, colorful graphics... We'll adapt to your tastes and your brand image while advising you.
Goodbye to soulless greeting cards! We make your greetings trendy with motion design, while enhancing your image.

Design and animation of avatars for Adéqualis & Wanj's 2021 greetings - Fresh Organic Motion

To get started on your delicious motion design for your New Year's greetings, contact us!

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