An educational video advert
Some subjects are tricky to tackle or quite complex to grasp. That's why it's important to take the time to explain them properly. So having a clear and effective communication medium is the best way to give your audience a well-defined image.
Today, computer graphics and audiovisuals combined in a motion design video ad are the most powerful means of visualizing complex concepts.
Successful communication
After months of work and reflection, finalizing a major project is a fine achievement.
The final step is to broadcast it in the best possible way. Motion design video advertising has two major advantages.
The first is accessibility. Indeed, it's sometimes difficult to step back from a highly technical subject when you've spent a lot of time developing it. Motion design makes it possible to create elements that are easy to understand, even for neophytes. It's a video format that gets straight to the point! These elements translate into simple, effective iconography, skilfully used colors, relevant textual information and so on. All this is enhanced by animation and rhythm, making the whole thing perfectly fluid and readable.
The second advantage is captivating. A video ad created with pretty, shimmering illustrations has a considerable power of attraction. A complex subject dressed up in an appropriate graphic style will be much more attractive and will arouse curiosity. This makes it possible to appeal to everyone, without losing the essence of the project and its original purpose.
Motion design is also a strength for corporate communication, as it gives the company a modern, trendy image.
Motion design video advertising: for which company and which project?
When it comes to communication, it's important to understand your needs. Video advertising can be adapted to all kinds of subjects and fields. It's an extremely flexible format that can be broadcast in many different places.
The industrial, tourism, hotel, fashion, cosmetics, sports, cultural and digital sectors all benefit from video advertising.
Every communication project can be based on motion design. At a time when communicating on all media (especially networks) is essential, a video ad can be adapted to suit the platform on which it will be broadcast. It could have a format for Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, a website, an app, or even an urban billboard.
Finally, a video ad has the immense advantage of being a source of visuals for your communication. For example, motion design illustrations can be used in other formats such as Instagram posts, stories or even print media. This creates a rich, professional look.